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T-Minus 1 month

Last summer, my family and I went on a three-week trip out west to tour national parks. We started in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and ended in Las Vegas, Nevada. While in Vegas, I took this picture outside of the Paris Hotel and Casino, thinking about how in one year I would be taking a picture in the real city, in front of the real Eiffel Tower. Now, one month out from my trip, it all seems like a dream.

I began studying French when I was in the sixth grade, taking a six-week exploratory course before deciding to pick it up for good in the eighth grade. Now, nearly ten years later, I'll be living for two months in the country whose language I've decided to dedicate my life to learning and teaching.

I've never been out of the country. The furthest from home I've ever been was that trip out west last summer. And now in 23 days, I'll be flying by myself to France to live with a host family and immerse myself in the language, culture, history, and day-to-day life of a Parisienne. Through this blog, I intend to recount my journey, sharing with you my packing process, the travel, and most importantly the country. Please, subscribe to this blog so you can follow along each time I post, documenting my trip. Also, be sure to check out my Instagram, as that is the outlet where I'll post the most frequently about my experience. They're linked to the home page of this site.

I just want to take a moment to thank my parents. Mom, Dad, you have been so supportive of this dream I've had my entire life. You've allowed me to study at a four-week French Immersion camp through Middlebury as a sophomore in high school. You've paid for my college education, and now have provided me with the opportunity to learn even more and experience the country that I love. I am incredibly grateful, and I love you both so much.

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